Bring It Back to The Basics

In a world of ever-changing health messages and diet plans vying for our attention along with the demands of life it is easy to lose sight of our most basic needs. Staying hydrated and nourished are essential to our overall well-being. These two seemingly simply elements are foundational pillars to a healthy life, and often, it’s the basics we overlook that have the biggest impact.
The Basics:
Staying Hydrated
The simple act of drinking more water can have a surprisingly significant positive impact on your overall health. Almost all the body’s major systems depend on water to function and survive. The human body is made of up to 60% water and the percentage is even higher in essential organs such as the brain (80%). Staying hydrated helps to:

– Moisten skin
– Strengthens the immune system
– Improve digestion
– Support the body’s natural detoxification system
– Protect the body’s organs and tissues
– Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells
– Dissolve minerals and nutrients so the body can absorb them
– Improve sleep, focus, memory, and mood
Staying Nourished
Nourishment from food is essential for life and well-being. Let’s explore why:

– Energy: Food provides the fuel our bodies need to function. Just like a car needs gasoline, we need food to power everything we do, from breathing and thinking to running and playing.
– Growth and Repair: Food contains building blocks for our bodies. Nutrients from food help us grow, develop, and repair tissues throughout our lives.
– Health and Disease Prevention: A balanced diet strengthens our immune system, helps us maintain a healthy weight, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
– Essential Nutrients: Food provides vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that our bodies can’t produce on their own. These nutrients play vital roles in various bodily functions, from bone health to brain function.
– Mental and Emotional Well-being: Eating a healthy diet has a positive impact on our mood, cognitive function, and overall mental and emotional well-being.
Tips to Implement the Basics
Hydrate with water daily
The general recommendation is to drink half your body weight in ounces daily. Use this as a guide,
not a hard and fast rule. Hydration needs may increase in hot environments, with intense exercise,
when not feeling well, or when traveling.
Nourish with food daily
Start with the “first meal of the day” within a few hours of waking. Continue to eat regularly
throughout the day within a window of every three to four hours. Aim to include a variety of foods
from different food groups into most meals and snacks.
Build a Basic Foundation

True wellness starts with these two essential pillars – hydrating our bodies with water and nourishing with food daily. Simply going back to the basics of drinking water and nourishing with food daily will lay a foundation of health promoting habits that will carry your wellness and overall well-being into each season of life.

Linda is our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist that uses a balanced approach to health and wellness, focusing on nutrition, movement, sleep, and connecting you with other appropriate health resources.
Linda understands and recognizes the courage needed to take the first step in caring for yourself and starting your own health and wellness journey. Learn more about Linda’s services like individual wellness and nutrition consultations, ministry and church wellness consultations, and group presentations here!