Welcome to 2023 | Wellness Connection
By Linda Wilcox
There’s just something about saying hello to a new year. It’s a fresh start, a blank canvas waiting to be filled, it’s mostly unscripted, full of hope, possibly adventure, and all too often the new year starts with goals- resolutions-and a list of should/should not’s related to diet and health. Instead of forcing yourself and the start of the new year into a set of rules and restrictions, or the top diet trend, try something completely different that is kinder, gentler, and sustainable through the year and beyond. This year what if you focus on the things you CAN do to become the healthiest version of yourself.

What if this year you choose to:
- Drink more water
- Start your day by fueling and nourishing your body with food
- Eat regularly every day
- Tune into your hunger and fullness cues
- Enjoy food – not seeing it as good or bad
- Eat mindfully
- Honor your body – for all the things it can do
- Find movement you enjoy and do that often – 15 minutes of something you enjoy and can do consistently is better than movement you don’t enjoy and do occasionally.
- Pick one aspect of health to work on. Health is more than a number on a scale it encompasses physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, financial…
- Start with where you are at, find one thing to work on and do that until you are ready to add to it.
Winter Wellness Tips
Every new year starts right after winter begins. Winter offers its own challenges that sometimes can get in the way of you feeling your best. Here are some wellness tips to help you fight off the winter blues and help make this winter one of the healthiest.
Stay hydrated: inside and out
It’s just as important to stay hydrated during the chilly winter months as the hot ones. Make sure you are drinking enough water every day. While you may not want to guzzle a glass of ice water, sneak in water through soups and stews, teas, and fruits and vegetables. Use a high-quality lip- balm to keep lips from drying out. Hand and body location can decrease irritated/itchy skin from the dry weather.

Be creative with activity
It’s easy to feel more physically tired in the winter months than other seasons which can make it harder to be active. Cold, dreary, snowy weather can be a motivator buster to get outside or make it to the gym. However, not staying active makes you more tired. There are ways to keep active from the comfort of your own home just by checking YouTube for quick minimal equipment needed workouts (including HIIT style), dance, walk in place, or do the stairs a few extra times. There are lots of ways to enjoy nature while being active too!
Allow for adequate rest
Getting enough sleep every night is vital in the winter. It helps your body heal from illness and helps to strengthen your immune system. Sleep also helps boost your mood, focus, and productivity.

Get some vitamin D
Try to enjoy sunshine as much as you can during the winter months and consider a vitamin D supplement (always check with your doctor for appropriate supplementation).
Wash your hands
Frequent hand washing is a must for the winter season to get rid of germs. Soap, water, and 20 seconds is all you need for a good hand wash.
Fresh air
While winter tends to drive us indoors, getting some fresh air is always good for the mind and body. Try bundling up and going out for a walk or even opening a door or window for a few minutes for a quick refresh.
Eat nutrient dense foods
All color is not lost in the winter. There are plenty of in season fruits and vegetables available like winter squash, pomegranates, citrus fruits, carrots, and dark leafy greens. A colorful plate adds a much – needed nutrient boost to help keep your body healthy.

Stay connected
Winter can be a more isolating time, which makes it even more important to reach out and stay connected with friends and family frequently.
Try light therapy
Some struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in the darker winter months. A light therapy lamp can help relieve some of the symptoms through bright light exposure. Your doctor can give you guidance on a treatment plan that would be right for you.
Maintain your health
Stay up on any health concerns you have and keep your medical appointments.
Workout Trends 2023
The start of a new year offers the opportunity to either get back into an exercise routine or start up a new one. Here are a few workout trends you’ll see this year:
- Low impact – Low impact exercises like walking, rucking (walking or hiking while carrying a weighted rucksack or backpack), and Pilates. These options increase heart rate, can be done by all ages, and can be done for the long haul without taking a toll on the body over time.
- HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training – HIIT has been around for several years but the new trend is mixing it with low impact exercises and rest making the options endless and can be done even at a beginning level by anyone.
- Mini workouts – A mini workout is a 10–15-minute workout that can be done anytime during the day and even multiple times a day. The beauty of this type of workout is that it can fit into your schedule and doesn’t take up large amounts of time. Mini workouts can be done with 3-4 exercises at a time or could just be a 15-minute walk every day. Look for opportunities to do a mini workout in you day by taking the stairs, doing squats while you brush your teeth, walking the parking lot.
No matter what trend you decide on, or if you decide to make up your own, do a little research, invite some friends to join you, and have fun with your workouts in 2023!

Linda is our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist that uses a balanced approach to health and wellness, focusing on nutrition, movement, sleep, and connecting you with other appropriate health resources.
Linda understands and recognizes the courage needed to take the first step in caring for yourself and starting your own health and wellness journey. Learn more about Linda’s services like individual wellness and nutrition consultations, ministry and church wellness consultations, and group presentations here!