Comprehensive Testing & Assessments
Finding an accurate diagnosis:
A psychological evaluation seeks to understand and measure the way in which a person processes information and the potential source of their struggles. An accurate diagnosis from psychological testing is crucial in understanding and addressing cognitive, behavioral, and emotional difficulties. It can provide critical information about the underlying causes of these issues, which can then inform personalized treatment plans and interventions that are tailored to meet the unique needs of the individual. With an accurate diagnosis, individuals can receive the support they need to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential.
These assessments could include a review of medical records, school records, family history, interviews with teachers and school counselors, and consultation with your child's primary care physician. Once a child has undergone testing, their mental health specialist can work with family, friends, teachers, and doctors to better help the child.
Reasons to have testing done
- Persistent academic difficulties
- Developmental delays
- Concerns about intellectual abilities
- Difficulties with attention or concentration
- Struggles with social interactions
- Persistent emotional or behavioral issues, frequent meltdowns
- Signs of Giftedness
- Difficulties with written comprehension/memory skills
Psychological and Psychoeducational Testing
Testing Is Used To Provide Information About:
- Academic strengths and weaknesses, specific learning styles, poor perfomance, and recent academic decline
- Actions consistent with inattention, hyperactivity, low motivation, striggles to work, low frustration tolerance
- Processing difficulty
- Memory and problem solving skills
- Intelligence
- Perception and motor skills
- Academic achievement
- Attention, concentration, and impulsivity
Testing Can Assist With The Following:
- Diagnosing learning abilities
- Diagnosing ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)/ADD and the brain subtype
- Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Diagnosing with the purpose of finding the client an academic plan (IEP, 504 plan, or gifted acceleration)
- Accomodations for standardized testing
- Access to needed services (OT, SLP, ABA therapy, insurance benefits, ect.)
- A plan for early intervention services
What We Can Test For
Autism Specturm Disorders (ASD)
Intellectual Deficits
Personality and Emotional Functioning
Executive Functioning
Visual Motor Skills
Sensory Processing Disorders
Anxiety & Mood Disorders
Frequently Asked Questions
Full scale assessment is provided by Shelby Sheehan APRN, PMHNP-BC and Dr. Donald Gilbert, PhD, LMHC, BCPC with portions administered by qualified technician Brooklynn McKinney, MS, T-LMHC. Brooklynn has extensive experience working with kids with neurodevelopmental disorders; she has a graduate level certification in applied behavior analysis. Brooklynn is also bilingual- fluent in english and spanish.
Ready To Get Started?
Fill out our assessment intake form and we will be in touch.
Dr. Gilbert is an Amen Clinics Certified Brain Health Professional. Amen Clinics Certified Brain Health Professionals receive in-depth training on a multitude of conditions ranging from ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, memory issues, mood disorders, brain trauma, sleep disorders, weight issues, and so much more.