Therapy Blog | New Life Chatter

Blog title, Love Yourself, 4 Ways to Measure Your Health. A graphic of a weigh scale.

4 Ways to Measure Your Health

By Linda Wilcox / March 29, 2022

Your value can never be determined by a number on a scale. For many, the year started with a goal or resolution related to weight loss. The scale can give you overall big-picture information and information about your body’s response to eating salty foods, intense exercise, and hormone changes. However, the scale is not always…

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How to love your heart and brain with an image of a heart and brain taking a selfie.

10 Ways To Love your Heart and Brain More

By Linda Wilcox / March 25, 2022

Our heart and brain are what get us through the day. Let’s show them a little appreciation and give them some extra love. Did you know that what is healthy for your physical heart is also healthy for your brain? When your brain is doing well, you can really feel the love! Try out these…

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Wellness Connections March Newsletter, Nutrition Month 2022

Happy National Nutrition Month 2022!

By Linda Wilcox / March 9, 2022

Celebrating flavors and cultures from around the world is a fun and tasty way to nourish your body with new foods. Consider celebrating nutrition and a world of flavors all month long! Week 1: Eating a Variety of Nutritious Foods Include healthy food from all food groups Learn how to read the Nutrition Facts Label…

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How to Manage Change in a Healthy Way

By Jessica Pottorff / January 10, 2022

Have you ever heard the saying, “The only constant in life is change?” That quote is by a Greek philosopher named Heraclitus. Heraclitus also has another famous quote, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” My mentor once told me, “Change…

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Dark green background with a white and gray stripe going diagonal across then reads 7 Strategies to Help Avoid Getting Sick

7 Strategies to Help Avoid Getting Sick

By Dr. Donald Gilbert, MS, PhD, LMHC, BCPC / December 16, 2021

There is no shortage of “couch doctors” advising on social media today. It is hard to separate fact from fiction. Our ‘healthcare’ is more about ‘sick care’ these days. What can you do to stay healthy and protect yourself from disease? Who do you listen to?
I am not an MD. Let me state that upfront. Research does give us some clues about strategies that are tried and true, that can at least assist in healthy “Self-Care”. I want strategies that I can practice, that are practical, and simple to add to my busy life.
Here are a few that I have come up with.

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graphic of a person falling in a hole. Text on the left that reads Codependency and Narcissism, Escaping the Narcissist Trap

Codependency – Narcissist Trap

By Jessica Pottorff / October 13, 2021

It’s a Trap! Understand the connection between a codependent and a narcissist. Learn the trap codependents walk into over and over again. It’s a difficult trap but it’s possible to break free.

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White background with words in the center that read Learn to Shift your Attitude and Combat Guilt & Shame.

Shame, Guilt, & Your Mental Health

By Jessica Pottorff / September 1, 2021

Do you know the difference between embarrassment, humiliation, guilt, and shame and the lasting damage they could create? Learn how to shift your attitude and actions toward combating shame and guilt.

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light sage green background with a photo of a couple holding hands, but the women is looking away. The title is on the top that reads How Do Boundaries Work in a Toxic Marriage?

How Do Boundaries Work In A Toxic Marriage?

By New Life Counseling / August 4, 2021

Have you ever been told you needed better boundaries? Just what does that mean? And how do boundaries work especially in a marriage with toxic and destructive communication or behaviors? What Is A Relational Boundary? A boundary, much like a fence, separates your physical yard from your neighbors. A relational boundary differentiates one individual from…

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A rectangle with words in the center that read, Active Listening, how listening can help you communicate more effectively. Two comment speech bubbles in the bottom corner.

Active Listening is a Forgotten Communication Skill

By Dr. Donald Gilbert, MS, PhD, LMHC, BCPC / July 21, 2021

Active listening is a vital communication skill that can deepen connection and understanding in all types of relationships. However when active listening is missing, it can have big consequences. When we forget the IMPORTANCE of listening, we are consciously or unconsciously saying we value our thoughts and opinions more than the person we are talking to. Keep reading for 7 ways listening improves your relationships.

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The real cost of blame new life counseling blog post. Blue and green image with the question "how much control do you believe you have over your feelings?" internal locus of control that takes responsibility versus external locus of control that places blame and is a victim of life.

The Real Cost of Blame

By Dr. Donald Gilbert, MS, PhD, LMHC, BCPC / July 1, 2021

How much control you believe you have over your feelings and circumstances can affect your mental health and lead to a pattern of blame, negative self-talk, depression, and anger. Read more about how you can regain control over your emotional wellbeing.

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