7 Tips To Enjoy The End Of Summer
Take some time to enjoy the little things as summer turns the corner into August. There are a lot of ways to savor summer for just a few more moments and days….

Try out a few of these ideas to enjoy the last days of summer:
1. Linger a Little Longer
Stay a little while longer at the pool, spend some extra time on the deck, pay some extra attention to the garden, savor the sunset, hold that stretch for a few more moments. Take time to slow down, enjoy, and breathe in summer.
2. Fit in the “Last One”
You know what it is… a hike, a trip to the lake, going to the pool, kayaking, lunch with a friend, grilling out, a road trip… make it a priority to squeeze in the last bit of summer fun.
3. Make a Splash
The pool or the ocean aren’t the only ways to cool off with summer’s lead star? Wash the car and “accidentally” anyone else nearby. How about a backyard water battle? Have some sprinkler fun at the park or in your own backyard. Soak in a lukewarm bath.
4. Try a New Fruit or Vegetable
It’s finally time for some of the most loved produce to be in season. Garden tomatoes anyone? Enjoy new choices in fruits and vegetables while they are at their peak. Do a little research on what is in season, how to determine ripeness, how to prepare it, and give it a try. Visit a local Farmer’s Market. Share and have fun with the flavors of the fruits and vegetables you are trying. Even if they end up not being your favorite, celebrate trying something new and enjoy the season’s best flavors.
Kick back and relax under the stars and to the sounds of summer one more time…
5. Indulge
Give yourself permission to enjoy your favorite summer treat like smore’s, an ice cream cone, barbeque fare without guilt knowing you can balance out your choices with other healthy foods.
6. Be Playful and Have Fun!
Go for a bike ride, count fireflies, go fishing, fly a kite, make a summer sauce or no-bake dessert piled high with fresh berries, host a cookout… enjoy the summer season with joyful activities that don’t require a big investment.
7. Breath Deeply
Once in a while, throw in a few deep, mindful breaths. Take time to pause, notice, and be grateful.
Summer Travel Tips!

1. Start your day with protein & Fiber
- Protein sources like eggs, Greek yogurt & peanut butter
- Fiber sources like whole wheat toast topped with avocado, added veggies to eggs, walnuts & flax seeds
2. Hydrate
- Bring your own (BYO) reusable water bottle and bring it everywhere!
- Consider adding electrolytes to your water if you are traveling somewhere hot and humid
3. Pack Snacks
- Dried fruit, nuts, jerky, crackers, protein bars, just to name a few
You’ve Still Got Time
These last few weeks of summer are a great time to switch up your fitness routine.
Here are a few tips:
- Try a new workout. Hop in on a new group fitness class at your local gym or even ones offered by parks and recreation. Try out different exercise equipment or find new exercises to compliment the ones you usually do. Mixing it up will help you keep your fitness routine in place when life calls from other directions. One way you can mix it up is to pick 3 exercises or weight stations and rotate between the 3 different exercises – 10 reps each exercise for 2-3 sets. Pick 3 more and do it again. In no time you have completed 12, 15, 18 different exercises. The trick is to pick exercises that work separate body parts so one body part can rest while you are working a different body part. This is a great routine to save time and make the most of your workout. Play around with it and have fun!
- Take it outside. Late summer weather is perfect for working out in the great outdoors. Take a hike, a bike ride, workout in your backyard, or at the park. Enjoy every bit of fresh air and nature before we start heading indoors again.
- Advance your fitness routine. Use the robust summer vibes to grow stronger by adding reps, weights, or additional classes to your fitness routine.
- Try a new sport. No big leagues here. We’re talking ultimate Frisbee golf, bocce ball, volleyball, the ever-popular pickle ball. Play with your family, start a little team, even a neighborhood competition. You don’t have to be a professional athlete to have fun and get your heart rate up. A new sport + a little fun competition + ice cream afterwards is a perfect combination for end of summer fun.

Linda is our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist that uses a balanced approach to health and wellness, focusing on nutrition, movement, sleep, and connecting you with other appropriate health resources.
Linda understands and recognizes the courage needed to take the first step in caring for yourself and starting your own health and wellness journey. Learn more about Linda’s services like individual wellness and nutrition consultations, ministry and church wellness consultations, and group presentations here!
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