Spring Cleaning for Your Mind, Body, & Home
Spring brings longer days, warmer weather, and newfound energy to freshen up our spaces after a long winter. It is a time to not only tend to our homes but also our well-being in mind and body.

Here are some things you can focus on as you move into spring.
- Practice single-tasking – doing one thing at a time giving yourself permission to slow down and be present in the moment.
- Use lists to prioritize tasks that will benefit your well-being the most.
- Focus on the positives and practice gratitude.
- Spend time in nature.
- Schedule preventative care appointments and commit to keeping them.
- Find movement that you enjoy and do that daily.
- Prioritize sleep.
- Eat well.
- Schedule time to clean and organize your home and spaces.
- Have all the cleaning supplies you need to get the jobs done.
- Take it task by task or room by room.
- Plan to rest and enjoy your accomplishments.
Spring cleaning can be intimidating, but take it one day and one task at a time. Focus on each of these aspects to help rejuvenate your mind, body, and home. It will hopefully create that fresh, clean attitude you’ve been waiting for and get you ready for the new spring season.
Hey Spring, bring on the warm weather! We’re ready for you!

Linda is our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist that uses a balanced approach to health and wellness, focusing on nutrition, movement, sleep, and connecting you with other appropriate health resources.
Linda understands and recognizes the courage needed to take the first step in caring for yourself and starting your own health and wellness journey. Learn more about Linda’s services like individual wellness and nutrition consultations, ministry and church wellness consultations, and group presentations here!