Goal setting strategies by Enneagram Type: Goals part 4
We have talked a lot this year on goals: how to set goals you can actually achieve, new year’s resolutions, breaking the perfectionism cycle, and relationship goals. Now we are going to talk about how personality (your enneagram type) affects your goal making process in Part 4. Be sure to check out the previous posts to download the free worksheets!

Using Enneagram Type to Set Healthy Goals
Enneagram has really jumped out as a top personality type test these past few years. In this particular methodology, there are 9 different main personality types that are categorized by how people interpret the world and manage emotions- represented by numbers 1-9. Each number is given a title which varies based on author; we have listed 3 common titles for each. An individual has a main type and can have a wing, line, and subtype. You can check out this free enneagram quiz by Personality Path (our favorite!) or this other free enneagram quiz by Truity to find out your main type. Keep reading for your enneagram type suggestions on healthy goal setting.
Before we go further in this post, we need to be clear that we see the Enneagram as a simple tool to help you understand or gain insight to your personality; a tool to challenge your thinking or inform your behavior. However, your personality will always be unique to you and your life experiences. We would also like to note that this is not a spiritual tool and not all enneagram related advice is biblically or psychologically sound. Please use discernment and always check what you read against the bible for truth and accuracy.
If you are interested in an alternative personality type system that Dr. Don Gilbert teaches, you can check out the Otter – Lion – Beaver – Golden Retriever – Chameleon system here.

Type One: The Perfectionist, Reformer, Advocate
Enneagram type ones are all about goal setting, checklists, order, and results.
Tips for setting healthier goals:
- Move away from perfection and practice excellence instead.
- Identify possible obstacles and make a plan for the ones that are in your control, let go of the ones out of your control.
- Remember that you can change the goal anytime.
- Set reasonable goals using the SMART goal method in order to keep your inner critic in check.
- Remember that you are accepted and wholly loved by Christ, there is so much grace, compassion, and mercy available to you through Jesus. Your identity and self-worth are not tied to your ability to achieve this goal.

Type Two: The Helper, Giver, Supporter
Enneagram type twos are all about connection to others. They are more likely to stick with a goal that is other-centric rather than self-centric.
Tips for setting healthier goals:
- Remember that your needs are important too. Learn to set boundaries and say NO- it is not selfish to say no.
- Set goals around passions, hobbies, or something community oriented so they have a deeper meaning attached.
- Find a friend to achieve the goal with, or someone who will keep you accountable and cheer you on.
- Set a goal around tending to your personal needs, wellness, mental health, or boundaries. Even a goal to drink plenty of water each day can go a long way towards your physical and mental wellness.
- Remember that God will take care of others just as He takes care of you. Listen closely to the Holy Spirit and let him guide you- only step in when truly prompted to do so. Use your need for deep connection to spend time with the Lord and discover that deep well of relationship.

Type Three: The Achiever, Performer, Motivator
Enneagram type threes have a love/hate relationship with goals. While extremely focused on success and achievement, they get burned out quickly due to their laser focus on tasks.
Tips for setting healthier goals:
- Know your WHY and your values and check your goals against them. (Check out the 5 Why’s activity in our goal workbook)
- Seek to balance your desire for achievement and your need for rest.
- Create one clear goal at a time to stay connected to your why and your values. Create this goal from a place of solitude and rest.
- Avoid setting goals all about performance, competition, or goals that are all about your image and status.
- Remember that achievement doesn’t equal success and you don’t have to work for the love of Jesus. Your worth is not defined by your achievements.

Type Four: The Individualist, Tragic-Romantic, Artist
Enneagram type fours like the IDEA of goal setting but not the actual execution. Goals make them feel inspired, then discouraged.
Tips for setting healthier goals:
- Create a vision board. When you cycle through that phase of discouragement use this board to inspire you again.
- Find a friend who can remind you of your WHY when you feel discouraged.
- Keep a gratitude journal.
- Know your core values and create goals that are aligned. You have a great capacity for creativity and amazing new ideas- but that doesn’t mean all the ideas are for you.
- Focus on habit-setting goals rather than results goals.
- Create objectives and small action steps (read this for more info) so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Celebrate every completed action step.
- Remember that God created you to be uniquely you. Ask him what he has in mind for your life and trust that he will provide and do what he says.

Type Five: The Investigator, Observer, Scholar
Enneagram type fives can use goals to keep from getting side-tracked by new ideas.
Tips for setting healthier goals:
- Set a goal that feels like a stretch to challenge your thinking. Its okay to feel awkward and a bit incompetent.
- Set time limits on planning and research. Understand your tendency to hide behind research and block out your time for specific tasks.
- Break your goals into small action steps and focus on learning or process-oriented goals.
- Try sharing responsibility of bigger goals with another person. Going out of your comfort zone is great practice.
- Remember that God already knows every step you will make and he will provide for you.

Type Six: The Skeptic, Devil’s Advocate, Questioner
Enneagram type sixes need goals to move forward due to their tendency of analysis-paralysis.
Tips for setting healthier goals:
- Break your goals into small, realistic action steps to help you let go of your worry and anxiety over “what-ifs”.
- Set learning and process-oriented goals to help develop your decision-making skills. Remember that goal setting is about taking one step at a time.
- Incorporate a new vision or challenge yourself to see another perspective for what is possible.
- Only ask a trusted few for their opinions and feedback- not everyone.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you (not your “inner committee”) because he alone can give you clarity and peace. Remember that Jesus holds you in his hands- always.

Type Seven: The Enthusiast, Epicure, Dreamer
Enneagram type sevens are guided by a value system and an ever-changing desired outcome. They may struggle with follow-through.
Tips for setting healthier goals:
- Know your life values so you commit to what is right for you, not just what feels right in that moment.
- Break goals into smaller objectives so they feel more manageable over time.
- Stay present with your objectives and commit to seeing them through. Get help with accountability from a trusted friend.
- Be aware of your desire to chase something new and set outcome-oriented goals to challenge yourself.
- Visualize the outcome and make a list of the benefits of achieving this goal- revisit to feel inspired again.
- Remember that God will always take care of you and you don’t need to fear pain. God isn’t afraid of your pain or negativity and wants you to be wholly yourself with Him.

Type Eight: The Challenger, Boss, Leader
Enneagram type eights like goals because they provide clear vision. You are more focused on the outcome than the process.
Tips for setting healthier goals:
- Analyze the WHY of your goals: are you trying to control something or are they fulfilling a deeper need (one that is aligned with Christ’s plans for you)?
- Make a list of the things you do that no longer serve your purpose. Consider making a not-to-do list.
- Make a list of the things that excite you and create process-oriented goals to challenge yourself.
- Be aware of your desire to take impulsive, gut decisions and make a plan with actionable steps.
- Ask God what his plans and desires are for you, then ask him how you can use your tender heart to impact the world for his kingdom.
- Remember that Jesus is not only your savior, but your protector and strength. You can lean on and be vulnerable with him.

Type Nine: The Peacemaker, Mediator, Preservationist
Enneagram type nines struggle to identify goals, keep goals, and start goals, but they may need them more than the rest.
Tips for setting healthier goals:
- Do a brain dump of everything you want to accomplish. Then evaluate your list based on your values and rank them in order of importance. If you struggle with this, ask God to help reveal your passions and dreams.
- Create snowball or stepping stone goals to help gain momentum and avoid overwhelm or distractions. Celebrate every bit of progress.
- When you seek accountability, don’t ask for their opinion.
- Own your voice and create goals that truly represent you.
- Focus on one goal at a time and use “minimum”, “target”, and “EXTRAordinary” goal level targets when defining time frames. Our Goal Prep worksheet in the goal setting workbook will be your best friend!
- Remember that God created you with unique talents and gifts. He wants you to use them because the world needs you and your gifts. Don’t hide them away.
Regardless of what type you are- remember that perfectionism results in disappointment, frustration, failure, and condemnation. As we said, this post is simply a guide to get you started. We wish you well as you continue working towards that biblical excellence!
We have created some really amazing resources for you to help you achieve your 2021 goals! Our 15 page goal planning workbook is a digital pdf that you can print and use over and over. It will walk you through all the steps of goal planning.

Our new ultimate digital planner works on any tablet (requires certain apps and recommended for use with stylus). The planner includes all the budget worksheets and the goal planning workbook, plus has goal planning built directly into your monthly, weekly, or daily pages!
Do you need help setting your goals and accountability to achieve them?
Have you ever thought about talking to a life coach to help you focus or set up your goals? It can sometimes be difficult to go through the process of identifying your values, vision, goals, objectives, and action steps. We don’t want you to be overwhelmed, that is why we are prepared to help you out! Use the contact form or give us a call to set up an appointment today!