
How to Manage Change in a Healthy Way

By Jessica Pottorff / January 10, 2022

Have you ever heard the saying, “The only constant in life is change?” That quote is by a Greek philosopher named Heraclitus. Heraclitus also has another famous quote, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” My mentor once told me, “Change…

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Tan background with circles in 4 colors (orange, brown, grey, yellow) that represent the 4 ways stress feels in the body, mood, behavior, and long term.

Coping with Stress: Self-Care part 2

By New Life Counseling / April 23, 2021

How is stress management vital to your self-care? Your body was created to respond to stressful input- most understand this as the fight or flight response. But your body is not equipped to handle long-term, chronic stress without ill consequences. Yes, that’s right, chronic stress can make you physically sick. We will talk more in…

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Holiday Stress Boundaries- They don't have to be emotionally draining

Holiday Stress and Boundaries

By New Life Counseling / November 11, 2020

Especially in these difficult times, the holidays can bring with it the dilemma of how to balance what the “biblical response” is and what you can emotionally tolerate. As Christians it can be a hard to find balance or set limits and boundaries. The great news is that it’s a skill Jesus demonstrated for us in a variety of situations.

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Controlling our bodies

By New Life Counseling / April 30, 2020

To say we are living in strange times right now feels like an understatement. Many are confined to their homes, desperate to get out; others are out working, and praying they don’t get sick and infect their loved ones. Neither is better than the other. Everyone is doing the best they can, and that includes…

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Beat the blues

By Dr. Donald Gilbert, MS, PhD, LMHC, BCPC / April 23, 2020

The cold weather and snow finally seem to be wrapping up, but that doesn’t mean your “winter blues” are headed out the door. In places where the sun doesn’t shine much of the year, up to 9% of Americans are impacted by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD is characterized by feeling “down” more than usual…

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Enjoy Christmas Without The Stress

By New Life Counseling / December 11, 2019

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, right? Then why do 88% of Americans feel stressed out during the holidays? Sure, the holiday season is packed with great food, cheerful music, time with loved ones, and gifts galore, but it also entails junk like: Memories of past trauma Unmet expectations Financial strain Difficult family dynamics…

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