personal growth

how to set goals you can actually achieve- list of failed new years resolutions funny

How To Set Goals You Can Actually Achieve

By New Life Counseling / December 29, 2020

Say “no” to new year’s resolutions and learn how to set effective goals, objectives, and action steps that actually set you up to succeed. This is part one in a series on goal setting. Be sure to check out part 2 here Every year we hear all about New Year’s resolutions or maybe you call…

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Control Talk

By Dr. Donald Gilbert, MS, PhD, LMHC, BCPC / August 11, 2020

Everyone wants some level of control in their life. It makes us feel safe, solid, and independent. However, problems can arise when we force that control onto those around us. Have you ever been told that you’re controlling? Have you ever taken time to reflect on how your communication style may be unconsciously communicating something…

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Owning Your Feelings

By New Life Counseling / May 21, 2020

While 1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness during their lifetime, everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health. The good news is there are practical tools that everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase resiliency – and there are ways that everyone can be supportive of…

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The joy and grief of motherhood

By Sarah Heimbruch / May 7, 2020

Dear sister- This is a letter to the mothers out there: the new moms, the seasoned moms, and the waiting moms. We all have unique stories. I’ve learned many hard things in my motherhood journey, and I know I have so much more to learn. Without a doubt, God will continue to refine me. The…

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Controlling our bodies

By New Life Counseling / April 30, 2020

To say we are living in strange times right now feels like an understatement. Many are confined to their homes, desperate to get out; others are out working, and praying they don’t get sick and infect their loved ones. Neither is better than the other. Everyone is doing the best they can, and that includes…

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Beat the blues

By Dr. Donald Gilbert, MS, PhD, LMHC, BCPC / April 23, 2020

The cold weather and snow finally seem to be wrapping up, but that doesn’t mean your “winter blues” are headed out the door. In places where the sun doesn’t shine much of the year, up to 9% of Americans are impacted by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD is characterized by feeling “down” more than usual…

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