
pink background with blue and black triangles with the words Use, Misuse, Abuse, and Addiction on the triangles.

6 Myths About Addiction

By New Life Counseling / March 31, 2021

Many people don’t understand addiction and substance abuse or dependency. They think those who struggle with addiction must lack moral substance or willpower. In reality, breaking the cycle of addiction takes far more than an iron will or even a desire to quit. Addictive substances and behaviors quite literally alter the chemistry of the brain…

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Controlling our bodies

By New Life Counseling / April 30, 2020

To say we are living in strange times right now feels like an understatement. Many are confined to their homes, desperate to get out; others are out working, and praying they don’t get sick and infect their loved ones. Neither is better than the other. Everyone is doing the best they can, and that includes…

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