Stress & Anger

3 images of a family serving food, cutting a turkey and enjoying thanksgiving meal around the table. Brown background with words "Hello Autumn"

Health Benefits of Daily Gratitude | Wellness Connections

By Linda Wilcox / November 8, 2022

Making gratitude a daily practice can help to increase your happiness and have positive effects on your health. Gratitude is being aware of and thankful for things in your life whether past/present/future, material or relational. Sometimes gratitude is a spontaneous feeling and sometimes it requires being intentional. Choosing to be grateful has many health benefits including increased happiness, decreased stress, improved physical health and sleep, and improved relationships. Choose gratitude everyday and you will see improvements in mind, body, and soul.

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18 Growth and Fulfillment Books

18 Uplifting Books About Personal Growth

By New Life Counseling / May 9, 2022

Personal growth is so important: Are you an over-thinker? Are you afraid to step out of your comfort zone? Do you feel like you’re stuck in life? Do you feel burnt out? Time for some change! Time to change your mindset. Time to learn how to find meaning, to lead, to be bold, to be…

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11 Must-Read Books About Mental health Disorders

11 Must-Read Books About Mental Health

By New Life Counseling / May 9, 2022

Mental health and mental illness are becoming less and less taboo, and we couldn’t be happier. We still have a long way to go in terms of education about mental health and accessibility, but books are one way we can learn and share. People must know they are not alone. Nearly one in five U.S…

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The real cost of blame new life counseling blog post. Blue and green image with the question "how much control do you believe you have over your feelings?" internal locus of control that takes responsibility versus external locus of control that places blame and is a victim of life.

The Real Cost of Blame

By Dr. Donald Gilbert, MS, PhD, LMHC, BCPC / July 1, 2021

How much control you believe you have over your feelings and circumstances can affect your mental health and lead to a pattern of blame, negative self-talk, depression, and anger. Read more about how you can regain control over your emotional wellbeing.

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Tan background with circles in 4 colors (orange, brown, grey, yellow) that represent the 4 ways stress feels in the body, mood, behavior, and long term.

Coping with Stress: Self-Care part 2

By New Life Counseling / April 23, 2021

How is stress management vital to your self-care? Your body was created to respond to stressful input- most understand this as the fight or flight response. But your body is not equipped to handle long-term, chronic stress without ill consequences. Yes, that’s right, chronic stress can make you physically sick. We will talk more in…

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Holiday Stress Boundaries- They don't have to be emotionally draining

Holiday Stress and Boundaries

By New Life Counseling / November 11, 2020

Especially in these difficult times, the holidays can bring with it the dilemma of how to balance what the “biblical response” is and what you can emotionally tolerate. As Christians it can be a hard to find balance or set limits and boundaries. The great news is that it’s a skill Jesus demonstrated for us in a variety of situations.

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Control Talk

By Dr. Donald Gilbert, MS, PhD, LMHC, BCPC / August 11, 2020

Everyone wants some level of control in their life. It makes us feel safe, solid, and independent. However, problems can arise when we force that control onto those around us. Have you ever been told that you’re controlling? Have you ever taken time to reflect on how your communication style may be unconsciously communicating something…

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Fight Anger with Love

By New Life Counseling / July 16, 2020

“A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.” Proverbs 15:1 Have you ever said something out of anger that you later regretted? Maybe you grew up in a home where angry words and loud responses were the norm. Or maybe you’ve had experiences where you felt embarrassed or hurt by someone’s…

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Enjoy Christmas Without The Stress

By New Life Counseling / December 11, 2019

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, right? Then why do 88% of Americans feel stressed out during the holidays? Sure, the holiday season is packed with great food, cheerful music, time with loved ones, and gifts galore, but it also entails junk like: Memories of past trauma Unmet expectations Financial strain Difficult family dynamics…

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