Growth & Fulfillment
Bring It Back to The Basics
In a world of ever-changing health messages and diet plans vying for our attention along with the demands of life it is easy to lose sight of our most basic needs. Staying hydrated and nourished are essential to our overall well-being. These two seemingly simply elements are foundational pillars to a healthy life, and often,…
Read MoreNew Year New Way to Health and Wellness
January 2024 | Wellness Connections By Linda Wilcox “What we think, feel, and believe about the physical body informs how we live in and through the body.”-Cultivate Well This time of year, the promises of quick fixes and fad diets are plenty and seem to come and go as quickly as our New Year’s Resolutions.…
Read MoreDietary Supplements | What’s to know
There are all kinds of dietary supplements on the market today for just about anything. Not all supplements are created equal, and there is little quality standardization of these products. Unlike prescription and over-the- counter medication, the Food and Drug Administration does not establish standards for the contents of dietary supplements. With so many products on the market to choose from, an independent third-party certification program can help guide you in deciding what supplements to choose.
Read MoreThe Perfect Way to Wrap Up Summer
August is National Wellness Month, making it the perfect time to focus on caring for you and yours with healthy routines. Incorporating small changes and wholesome habits into your daily routine all month long is the perfect way to wrap up summer and impact your health in positive ways.
Read MoreLet’s Talk About Ozempic
May 2023 | Wellness Connections By Linda Wilcox Ozempic has become popularized in the media and is the new hot celebrity trend for weight loss transformation. As Ozempic is being prescribed to more and more people, it might be a good idea to talk about it and understand what it is, how it works, and how…
Read MoreFinancial Wellness
Money may be a little more on everyone’s minds this month with Tax Day right in the middle of April. Just like the need to eat and sleep, money is a piece of our everyday lives that plays a role in our overall wellness. Wellness is more than just physical health – it is multi-dimensional including physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, social, occupational, and financial health. Each area is interdependent and influenced by the others. When one area is out of balance or not working well, the other areas are affected, and all are vital for optimal health and well-being.
Read MoreNavigating Mental Health Coverage: Understanding Insurance Basics
Understanding insurance can be a challenging task, especially for patients who are already dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety. However, it is essential to have a good understanding of how insurance works to make the most of your mental health benefits and receive the treatment you need. In this post we will talk…
Read More23 Books for Spiritual Growth
To live a life like Jesus, we have a lot of learning to do. We get so engulfed by our day-to-day lives that we often push our goals aside and get stuck living out each day the same as the last. To learn to live like Jesus, we need to work on our spiritual growth.…
Read More18 Uplifting Books About Personal Growth
Personal growth is so important: Are you an over-thinker? Are you afraid to step out of your comfort zone? Do you feel like you’re stuck in life? Do you feel burnt out? Time for some change! Time to change your mindset. Time to learn how to find meaning, to lead, to be bold, to be…
Read More10 Powerful Books About Healing from Trauma
We are all impacted by past experiences and memories, and some may have major traumas and others small setbacks. Whatever your experience, it can take a lot of courage to heal. Trauma is not an easy thing to overcome. These 10 powerful books about different types of trauma will hopefully shine a little light on…
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