conflict management

Holidays: check-your-holiday-expectations-tips-for-managing-season-and-family

Holidays: Check your Expectations

By New Life Counseling / October 23, 2020

Holidays: It’s the most wonderful time of the year—food is plentiful, gifts are wrapped, and the entire family is gathered together. Holiday season truly is something special. But it can also be a time of unmet expectations, disappointment, angst, and family quarrels. Our own expectations of how the holidays should go are often the sole…

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Fight Anger with Love

By New Life Counseling / July 16, 2020

“A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.” Proverbs 15:1 Have you ever said something out of anger that you later regretted? Maybe you grew up in a home where angry words and loud responses were the norm. Or maybe you’ve had experiences where you felt embarrassed or hurt by someone’s…

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