11 Must-Read Books About Mental Health
Mental health and mental illness are becoming less and less taboo, and we couldn’t be happier. We still have a long way to go in terms of education about mental health and accessibility, but books are one way we can learn and share. People must know they are not alone. Nearly one in five U.S…
Read More7 Wellness Books To Transform Your Health
Wellness and nutrition should be a balanced approach that focuses on what feels good to your body and what is good for your health. Being in charge of your health and well-being not only benefits you physically but mentally too. If you are struggling to break some of your eating habits or are wanting to…
Read MoreYour Diagnosis: A Letter From A Counselor
As a counselor, I get a wide variety of people that need to talk through situational stress, relationship problems, grief and loss, patterns of behavior, trauma and all that comes with it. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I wanted to take the opportunity to share three things to keep in mind if you…
Read MoreCoping with Stress: Self-Care part 2
How is stress management vital to your self-care? Your body was created to respond to stressful input- most understand this as the fight or flight response. But your body is not equipped to handle long-term, chronic stress without ill consequences. Yes, that’s right, chronic stress can make you physically sick. We will talk more in…
Read MoreStop Racing Thoughts: A Guide to Better Sleep
Today is World Sleep Day and we are bringing you 6 tips to calm a racing mind, especially when it is keeping you from getting enough sleep! Does this sound familiar? You are laying in bed and once again you can’t seem to fall asleep because your brain will not shut off. Perhaps it’s a…
Read MoreThe Sleep Health Connection: Self-Care Pt 1
Good sleep is vital to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. 5 tips to improve your sleep and mental health in part 1 of our self-care series: CBT/ talk therapy, journaling, sleep hygiene, blue lights, diet, exercise, and routine, and how lack of sleep truly effects a body.
Read MoreYou Just Have To Listen
Child Anxiety and Suicide Prevention Month Studies show that parental depression and anxiety can have a potential long-term effect on kids; mental health problems are dramatically rising as a secondary effect of Covid19 and social distancing measures. Everyone is stressed and anxious right now, and that includes children. In this unprecedented time, we need to…
Read MoreOwning Your Feelings
While 1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness during their lifetime, everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health. The good news is there are practical tools that everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase resiliency – and there are ways that everyone can be supportive of…
Read MoreYou can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf– Jon Kabat-Zinn
Racing thoughts Don’t let your thoughts rule you — learn to rule your thoughts. A restless mind has many effects that can include trouble sleeping, poor decision-making, anxiety and even depression when left to run amuck. The Buddhist term “Monkey Mind” stems from the observation that left untamed, our minds’ natural state can tend toward…
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