Children & Adolescents

Bring It Back to The Basics

By Linda Wilcox / March 5, 2025

In a world of ever-changing health messages and diet plans vying for our attention along with the demands of life it is easy to lose sight of our most basic needs. Staying hydrated and nourished are essential to our overall well-being. These two seemingly simply elements are foundational pillars to a healthy life, and often,…

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Drawing of the profile of a face, with the letters "ADHD" on top, and squiggles and flowers surrounding the brain to resemble ADHD.

Nutrition for Adults and Kids with ADD/ADHD

By Linda Wilcox / October 19, 2023

Food and supplements can play a major role in managing the symptoms of ADD/ADHD. Research shows that diets that include a variety of foods from all food groups and are limited in sugar and processed foods can help improve symptoms of ADHD. Food can also help medications work more efficiently. Since food can lay a foundation for overall good health, here are some basic dietary recommendations for adults and children who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.

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7 Wellness, Nutrition and Health Books

7 Wellness Books To Transform Your Health

By New Life Counseling / May 9, 2022

Wellness and nutrition should be a balanced approach that focuses on what feels good to your body and what is good for your health. Being in charge of your health and well-being not only benefits you physically but mentally too. If you are struggling to break some of your eating habits or are wanting to…

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8 Books about Emotions for Children

By New Life Counseling / May 9, 2022

The earlier we connect and understand our emotions, the better we will be able to respond to all kinds of situations. Emotions are valid. Mental health is important. Mental health matters. Let’s teach it to our children. Let’s help our teens understand mental health. When our children know how to express their emotions and speak…

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Cyberbullying on rise pandemic tips

Cyberbullying: Social Distanced Bullying

By New Life Counseling / October 13, 2020

While we champion the fact that face-to-face bullying has decreased in schools and society, it has not disappeared. Hate speech between children and teens on social platforms increased a staggering 70%. Check out these 8 tips to combat cyberbullying and more about the impact of social distancing on bullying- on the blog!

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suicide prevention month 2020 and helping your kids with their childhood anxiety- strategies and coping mechanisms.

You Just Have To Listen

By New Life Counseling / September 10, 2020

Child Anxiety and Suicide Prevention Month Studies show that parental depression and anxiety can have a potential long-term effect on kids; mental health problems are dramatically rising as a secondary effect of Covid19 and social distancing measures. Everyone is stressed and anxious right now, and that includes children. In this unprecedented time, we need to…

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By New Life Counseling / August 26, 2020

Do you feel stuck and overwhelmed by life, anxiety, covid19, things you can’t control, relationships and more? Have you ever tried journaling? Check out these tips, 15 methods of journaling and 100
prompts. includes perspective, gratitude, intuition, 5 Why’s, visual, TLC, dream journaling and more!

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World Day against trafficking in persons feature image

Human Trafficking: what is it and how to talk to your children and teens

By New Life Counseling / July 28, 2020

Human trafficking is slavery. There are millions of slaves in the world today. More than ever before in human history. Only an estimated 1% of victims are ever rescued. It is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world, generating more than $150 billion USD every year. Human trafficking is a crime that strips people of…

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The Importance of Family Fun

By Sarah Heimbruch / June 25, 2020

When I think back to my childhood, my most cherished memories are the days spent outside playing, the laughter with my siblings and parents, and the moments of fun with my family. I don’t remember the times we went out to eat or went to the movies. I now have three kids of my own…

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The joy and grief of motherhood

By Sarah Heimbruch / May 7, 2020

Dear sister- This is a letter to the mothers out there: the new moms, the seasoned moms, and the waiting moms. We all have unique stories. I’ve learned many hard things in my motherhood journey, and I know I have so much more to learn. Without a doubt, God will continue to refine me. The…

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