Linda Wilcox

Blue and green background with text "10 ways to save money at the grocery store". Image of couple leaning against a giant jar of gold coins. The jar is labeled "groceries". Title above jar " Wellness Connections".

10 Ways to Save Money at the Grocery Store

By Linda Wilcox / September 21, 2022

With inflation on the rise check out these tips to help you save money at the grocery store and still eat healthy. Also, learn how to make each morning great with these 8 must do things, and why breakfast is so important. – From our Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist.

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End of summer checklist with 7 items. Background of a beach from above

7 Tips To Enjoy The End Of Summer

By Linda Wilcox / August 3, 2022

Take some time to enjoy the little things as summer turns the corner into August. There are a lot of ways to savor summer for just a few more moments and days…. Try out a few of these ideas to enjoy the last days of summer: 1. Linger a Little Longer Stay a little while…

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Blog title, Spring Cleaning for Your Mind, Body and Home. A floral background.

Spring Cleaning for Your Mind, Body, & Home

By Linda Wilcox / April 12, 2022

Spring brings longer days, warmer weather, and newfound energy to freshen up our spaces after a long winter. It is a time to not only tend to our homes but also our well-being in mind and body. Here are some things you can focus on as you move into spring. MIND Practice single-tasking – doing…

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Blog title, Love Yourself, 4 Ways to Measure Your Health. A graphic of a weigh scale.

4 Ways to Measure Your Health

By Linda Wilcox / March 29, 2022

Your value can never be determined by a number on a scale. For many, the year started with a goal or resolution related to weight loss. The scale can give you overall big-picture information and information about your body’s response to eating salty foods, intense exercise, and hormone changes. However, the scale is not always…

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How to love your heart and brain with an image of a heart and brain taking a selfie.

10 Ways To Love your Heart and Brain More

By Linda Wilcox / March 25, 2022

Our heart and brain are what get us through the day. Let’s show them a little appreciation and give them some extra love. Did you know that what is healthy for your physical heart is also healthy for your brain? When your brain is doing well, you can really feel the love! Try out these…

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Wellness Connections March Newsletter, Nutrition Month 2022

Happy National Nutrition Month 2022!

By Linda Wilcox / March 9, 2022

Celebrating flavors and cultures from around the world is a fun and tasty way to nourish your body with new foods. Consider celebrating nutrition and a world of flavors all month long! Week 1: Eating a Variety of Nutritious Foods Include healthy food from all food groups Learn how to read the Nutrition Facts Label…

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