Addiction Counseling

Addiction & Substance Use

At New Life Counseling, we believe in treating addictive disorders in a holistic and faith-based manner. We understand that addiction and addictive issues are not just physical afflictions; we acknowledge that there are also emotional and spiritual suffering and that if the individual can heal those wounds, the addiction or symptoms are easier to manage and even heal. We focus on the individual, paying attention to their physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs. We understand that addiction touches all of these aspects and so our focus is in healing the whole person, not just symptoms of issues.nnFaith-based counseling believes in unconditional love, forgiveness, acceptance, self-esteem, self-respect, and community. We believe that recovery is a personal journey and so we are ready to meet you where you are and to serve you no matter your faith or religious beliefs.nnDual diagnosis, or co-occurring disorders are common in individuals who struggle with drugs, alcohol, gambling, and sex addiction, including eating disorders, clinical depression, anxiety, PTSD, Bipolar disorders, personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive (OCD), panic attacks, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Our clinicians are all qualified to assist in the management of all these issues.

Pornography & Sexual Addiction

While pornography and sex are not currently recognized as a medical addiction, those who struggle with these things may experience and display the same characteristics of any of type of addiction such as cravings, poor impulse control, neglecting responsibility, and engaging in self-defeating behaviors. These can be treated with the same interventions as any other addiction.

Disordered Eating

Eating disorders can be life-threatening and can occur in people of any age, sex, race, and all types of body sizes. Eating disorders can be serious and complex where an individual develops an unhealthy relationship with food, their weight or appearance, and can manifest in anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Eating disorders can be caused by several different complex factors but they are treatable.nnIt is possible to recover and change eating behavior with the right support and treatment. Our outpatient treatment may include coordination of care between a therapist, our nutritionist (RDN), and the patient's primary care physician.


We treat all addictions and addictive disorders with a faith-based approach, including use of prayer and scripture. We also use theoretical approaches including: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), and teach skills for relapse prevention, life skills, behavioral skills, and boundaries.

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From the Blog: Addiction

Bring It Back to The Basics

By Linda Wilcox | March 5, 2025

In a world of ever-changing health messages and diet plans vying for our attention along with the demands of life it is easy to lose sight of our most basic needs. Staying hydrated and nourished are essential to our overall well-being. These two seemingly simply elements are foundational pillars to a healthy life, and often,…

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5 spoons alternating, each with supplements in them and a word bubble over the images reading "dietary supplements...what's to know?"

Dietary Supplements | What’s to know

By Linda Wilcox | September 25, 2023

There are all kinds of dietary supplements on the market today for just about anything. Not all supplements are created equal, and there is little quality standardization of these products. Unlike prescription and over-the-  counter medication, the Food and Drug Administration does not establish standards for the contents of dietary supplements. With so many products on the market to choose from, an independent third-party certification program can help guide you in deciding what supplements to choose.

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Rocks balancing on other rocks in front of the ocean

Financial Wellness

By Linda Wilcox | April 18, 2023

Money may be a little more on everyone’s minds this month with Tax Day right in the middle of April. Just like the need to eat and sleep, money is a piece of our everyday lives that plays a role in our overall wellness. Wellness is more than just physical health – it is multi-dimensional including physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, social, occupational, and financial health. Each area is interdependent and influenced by the others. When one area is out of balance or not working well, the other areas are affected, and all are vital for optimal health and well-being.

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