
The word "SUMMER" in fun, colorful letters with the U as an illustration of a cup of lemonade, and summer activities surrounding the word, including sunglasses, a beach ball, flowers, flipflops, and a ladybug.

The Perfect Way to Wrap Up Summer

By Linda Wilcox / August 18, 2023

August is National Wellness Month, making it the perfect time to focus on caring for you and yours with healthy routines. Incorporating small changes and wholesome habits into your daily routine all month long is the perfect way to wrap up summer and impact your health in positive ways.

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“Let thy food be thy medicine.” (Hippocrates)

By Linda Wilcox / March 20, 2023

National Nutrition Month is celebrated this month to bring awareness to the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits. In our everyday world we are overrun by messages surrounding diet, weight loss, and ideals of how our bodies should or shouldn’t look, which foods are good/bad/or even super, and what our relationship with food should be. All these complicated messages can leave us feeling confused, guilty, and ashamed of ourselves, our will power, and our bodies. Food and our relationship to it doesn’t have to be this complicated. Discovering all of the ways food can and does fuel and nourish our bodies can lead to a healthier perspective and relationship with food and fuel our future healthy selves.

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