Nutrition & Wellness Services

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Your health and wellness journey are unique to you and should be personalized to meet your needs.

New Life offers nutrition and wellness services provided by a Registered Dietitian who can treat a variety of health concerns and clinical conditions. The Registered Dietitian will come alongside you every step of the way with personalized nutrition recommendations, guidance, and real – life tools and strategies to help you on your health and wellness journey.

Recognizing there is a strong relationship between emotional/mental health and nutrition. The Registered Dietitian and therapist can work together to support clients who are connecting their emotional/mental health needs with their nutrition needs.

Nutrition Counseling

Adult & Pediatric Nutrition

Nutrition is an important foundation for health and well-being at every stage of life.

Chronic Disease

Healthy eating can help people with chronic disease manage the conditions and prevent complications.

Food & Mood (anxiety & depression)

The nutrition we get from food can affect how we feel and affects our emotional health.

Food Allergies & Intolerances

The RDN can help ensure you are getting the nutrition you need for your health and lifestyle while navigating the challenges of food allergies and intolerances.

Mindful & Intuitive Eating

The RDN can help with a non-diet weight inclusive approach that includes: rejecting the diet mentality, body respect, physical movement, nutritional principles to help with food decisions and well being, and rediscovering joy and satisfaction from food and eating.

Disordered Eating

There is a spectrum of eating from normal eating to eating disorders with disordered eating in the middle. It is possible to recover and change eating behavior with the right support and treatment. Please note that work with a physician and therapist is required for clients with eating disorders.

Preventative Health & Wellness

A holistic approach including nutrition, movement, and sleep can play a part in preventing the onset of disease.


Food and supplements can play a significant role in helping improve and manage the symptoms of ADHD and Autism, helping medications to be more effective, and is a foundation for overall good health.

Other Nutritional Concerns?

Contact Linda for more information

Getting Started With Nutrition & Wellness

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Contact Linda

If you have questions you can set up a free 15 minute consultation call with Linda or use our contact page to schedule your first visit.

Before your Visit

To be well informed of your overall health and wellness you will be asked to complete an initial questionnaire via a secure online portal.


First Session

During your first 60-minute coaching session, we'll get to know one another and work together to review your overall health journey, identify your strengths and challenges, address any questions or concerns you may have, and set goals that you are ready to work on. You'll leave the first session with at least one goal to work on until your next session.

Follow-up Sessions

Follow-up coaching sessions are an opportunity to review your goals, look into any challenges you are experiencing, and to provide you with education, resources, and tools to build on your strengths and move you towards your goals. This is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and bring up topics you would like to discuss. At the end, new goals will be set for your next session.

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Speaking & Wellness Classes

Group classes are a great way to reach many people. Classes bring people together and provide support for health and wellness. Classes can be done individually or in several sessions. Information and education material can be tailored to fit the size of group, topic, and audience.

Interested in hosting a class or having Linda speak to your group?

Not sure if nutrition coaching is right for you?

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